Bibliophage: an ardent reader; a bookworm.
O termo bibliophage vem do Latin “phage”, que significa “a things that devours”, e de “biblio”, que quer dizer “book”.
You may recall, if you are something of a bibliophage, that the late Sylvia Plath had a story with a similar name.
— Corey Mesler, We Are a Billion-Year-Old Carbon
English Version
Word of the day:
Bibliophage: an ardent reader; a bookworm.
Bibliophage comes from the Latin “phage”, which means “a things that devours”, and “biblio”, which means “book”.
You may recall, if you are something of a bibliophage, that the late Sylvia Plath had a story with a similar name.
— Corey Mesler, We Are a Billion-Year-Old Carbon