Did you know that today is Boxing Day?
Kwaanza (celebrated until Jan 1)
1799 – George Washington’s funeral.
1860 – The first ever inter-club football match happens.
1862 – Four volunteer nuns are the first female nurses on a U.S. Navy
hospital ship.
1862 – The largest mass-hanging in the United States history.
1933 – FM radio is patented.
Boxing Day é o termo utilizado em numerosos países anglófonos para descrever o dia seguinte ao dia de Natal (geralmente, 26 de dezembro, exceto quando 26 cai em um fim de semana, sendo o Boxing Day adiado para segunda-feira).
Neste dia, geralmente, o excesso de mercadorias de numerosos estabelecimentos comerciais entra em liquidação, sendo vendida por preços significantemente menores do que os preços originais.
É um dos dias mais movimentados, em vendas totais, do comércio de numerosos países, notavelmente Canadá e Estados Unidos (apesar do termo Boxing Day ser raramente utilizada na última).
No Reino Unido, o Boxing Day é um dia especial também é uma data comemorativa em relação ao futebol. Ocorre uma rodada completa de todos os seus campeonatos neste dia.
English Version
Boxing Day is traditionally a day following Christmas when wealthy people and homeowners in the United Kingdom would give a box containing a gift to their servants. Today, Boxing Day is better known as a bank or public holiday that occurs on December 26, or the first or second weekday after Christmas Day, depending on national or regional laws. It is observed in Great Britain, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and some other Commonwealth nations.
In South Africa, Boxing Day was renamed Day of Goodwill in 1994. In Ireland it is recognized as St. Stephen’s Day (Irish: Lá Fhéile Stiofáin) or the Day of the Wren (Irish: Lá an Dreoilín). In the Netherlands, Lithuania, Austria, Germany, Scandinavia and Poland, December 26 is celebrated as the Second Christmas Day.
Although the same legislation—the Bank Holidays Act of 1871—originally established the bank holidays throughout the UK, the day after Christmas was defined as Boxing Day in England, Scotland and Wales, and the feast day of St. Stephen in Ireland. A “substitute bank holiday in place of 26 December” is only possible in Northern Ireland, reflecting the legal difference in that St. Stephen’s Day does not automatically shift to the Monday in the same way as Boxing Day.
In Canada, Boxing Day takes place on December 26th and is a federal statutory holiday where all full-time workers receive time off with pay.