A diferença entre “Though” e “Although”

Como conjunções, as palavras inglesas thoughalthough são intercambiáveis. 

Although é geralmente considerada mais formal que though, ainda que ambas as formas apareçam regularmente em textos formais e informais.

Though também é um advérbio, com sentido similar a outros termos em inglês, como however ou nevertheless. Neste sentido, o termo though não é intercambiável com although, que funciona apenas como conjunção.


Nestes exemplos, althoughthough são os mesmos:

Growth in Europe is maintaining momentum, although the risks related to peripheral economies have increased. [Globe and Mail]

Unlike the other comparisons, however, this one is apt, though perhaps not in a way Cantor intended. [Washington Post]

Although the birds are just a small part of his business, carefully raising the pheasants from delicate eggs to beautifully feathered birds is clearly a passion. [The Age]

Some grown unschoolers, though positive about it overall, admit they’ve at times longed to be just like the other kids … [National Post]

And in these examples, though is an adverb and hence not interchangeable with although:

This weekend, though, theaters were packed. [Los Angeles Times]

There was another twist to come, though, as Pavlyuchenkova defied her flagging fortunes to win three games in succession. [Independent]
